Charleston Combo Grill Availability?


New member
Nov 10, 2023
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I am looking to acquire a Charleston Combo Pellet/Gas Grill. Apparently, WalMart has an exclusive on these, but they seem to be perpetually "out of stock" everywhere I check. Does anyone know if this unit is still in production? If so, is there a source other than WalMart? Any insights would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Wade Griffith
You may be hard pressed to speak to the WM manager as these are more likely a seasonal item and most retailers do their retail ordering in Jan/Feb for these, so they arrive in time for Spring and Summer. Lowe's does the same thing with their retail exclusives for PB. Go to the PB website and look at the PB Combos under the "Shop" Tab -- they have a Memphis Ultimate Combo that looks better in my opinion and there are others. At least you can order these and not have to wait for next year.

Menphis Combo.

This is the PB Sportsman model - looks like the Charleston but better and costs more.

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Memphis Ultimate Combo is not a Grill/Griddle combo - which is what the Charleston Onyx Combo is. The only other similar option is the KC Combo Series which is also exclusive to/at Walmart. Slightly more expensive and hasn't gotten quite as good of reviews. Also Out of Stock. The KC Combo is a bit larger and includes WiFi/Bluetooth (which I wish the Charleston Onyx did). Have wondered why there are 2 similar combo units like this that are not too far apart cost-wise and both exclusive to/at Walmart? Assumed that the Charleston Onyx, being a newer model, could be replacing the KC Combo. BTW, I work at Lowes (Supervise L&G area that includes grills). Very bummed that these are Walmart exclusives and that Lowes doesn't have a comparable Pit Boss option. I could sell a LOT of these grills!
Memphis Ultimate Combo is not a Grill/Griddle combo - which is what the Charleston Onyx Combo is. The only other similar option is the KC Combo Series which is also exclusive to/at Walmart. Slightly more expensive and hasn't gotten quite as good of reviews. Also Out of Stock. The KC Combo is a bit larger and includes WiFi/Bluetooth (which I wish the Charleston Onyx did). Have wondered why there are 2 similar combo units like this that are not too far apart cost-wise and both exclusive to/at Walmart? Assumed that the Charleston Onyx, being a newer model, could be replacing the KC Combo. BTW, I work at Lowes (Supervise L&G area that includes grills). Very bummed that these are Walmart exclusives and that Lowes doesn't have a comparable Pit Boss option. I could sell a LOT of these grills!
According to PB the Charleston they show is the Pellet Grill/Gas Grill model - WM shows both. In any case it looks like you'll need to wait until next year.