Fan and hot rod not working

Welcome from Texas to the group!!
Unplug it and check all your connections
Make sure the electrical plug has 110 volts and let me know what you find
Hopefully this helps you 🇺🇸🇺🇸
So I just got this from a guy who said he replaced the hot rod.
I took everything apart and he had everything wired incorrectly. The yellow wire from board was not even hooked up to anything.
And he had a plug that connected white to black and black to white. Fuse was blown on board too. I wired everything according to diagram. Replaced fuse, cleaned temp rod, and put my own new hot rod in
So I just got this from a guy who said he replaced the hot rod.
I took everything apart and he had everything wired incorrectly. The yellow wire from board was not even hooked up to anything.
And he had a plug that connected white to black and black to white. Fuse was blown on board too. I wired everything according to diagram. Replaced fuse, cleaned temp rod, and put my own new hot rod in
Well it sounds like you have it hooked up correctly
If it’s under five years old it’s under warranty
I’d give pitboss support a call.
I have a 820 myself and a lightning strike got my controller so I unplug it now.
If it’s not under warranty they have them on Amazon