First Boston butt


New member
Sep 14, 2024
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I’ve read on a Boston butt recipe that when the temp reaches approx 150 to take the butt off and triple wrap in heavy foil. Approximately how long into the smoking it that. I have an almost 7 lb butt so I expect to be cooking for about 10.5 hours and I in 3 hour right now. I generally don’t keep my probes in later into smoking. I have a Pitt boss. Thanks Vicky
I have done mine several ways. I've wrapped mine, I've cooked thru unwrapped. I prefer to wrap mine as it holds the juices in near the end of the cook. I bump up the temperature and finish up quicker.
Many thanks for your input. I wrapped mine at the 4-hour mark and by the time the temp hit 200 degrees, the bone pulled out and the butt fell apart so I just opened the foil and placed it back on the grill to firm up the bark for 30 minutes. It was delicious for my first try.
I am currently cooking by temp only, and smoke at about 230 until it gets to 165 internal, then wrap and continue the cook in the oven at 225 or 300, depending on my time constraints, until internal temp gets to 204-208. I wrap at 165 because I have read that the meat will not accept any more smoke higher than that temp.
My cook last weekend, or a 7 lb butt, took a total of 15.5 hours. I put it on Friday night at 1800 and let it go all night. At 0600 Saturday I pulled it, as it was at 168 by that time. It was then wrapped and put into the oven at 225 until 0930 Saturday.
Still feeling my way through this, but have had good success with the above.


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