Keeping humidity out of hopper


Active member
Apr 19, 2023
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Brooker Florida
Brand new to the pellet world and I have a question. I live in North Florida and our humidity is off the charts this time of year. Do I need to worry about humidity effecting my pellets in the hopper. My grill will be on the back porch under the roof.
I lived in Florida until a year ago. If covered and out of the rain you should be ok. I never emptied my hopper and didn’t have any issues.

Really the best thing to do IS empty it in humid areas. But when you hopper has 40 lbs of pellets in it, it makes it a little harder to do.

I just chose not to. Mine was covered and under the carport so it was always out of the weather.
I’m up in PA and while not the humidity you folks have, I have gotten into the habit of just loading enough pellets into the hopper so at the end of the cook, it’s pretty much empty. If I miss my mark, it’s simple to flip open that hatch and empty what I can back into my storage bin.
There’s always a bit left in the hopper but no big deal.
Brand new to the pellet world and I have a question. I live in North Florida and our humidity is off the charts this time of year. Do I need to worry about humidity effecting my pellets in the hopper. My grill will be on the back porch under the roof.
I use a airtight container to keep mine dry and sift them through a colander
Hopefully this helps you 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Brand new to the pellet world and I have a question. I live in North Florida and our humidity is off the charts this time of year. Do I need to worry about humidity effecting my pellets in the hopper. My grill will be on the back porch under the roof.
Hi Mark, as a welding inspector I have carried my Smoker up the east coast to NY and NJ, down the East Coast to FL Crystal River actually all along the Gulf Coast, Pascagoula, Biloxi, Baton Rouge and out to Baytown TX. Even built a pellet smoke in West TX desert, Kermit, TX.
My biggest problem has been saw dust. I put/keep pellets in a metal trash can and traveling seems to cause a lot of pellet break down.
use a 110v dehumidifierrod in my weapons safe, I wonder if this might work in the pellet hopper if you notice pellets swelling up on your local?
I don't think you will have a problem if you fire it up at least once or twice a month. A shop vac is a necessitywhen you have a pellet smoker and it is easy to suck out most of the pellets if you see any swelling.
I am in Utah and mines (PB 850) outside 24/7 with a PB cover and its under a porch roof. Sometimes I noticed that it wouldn't smoke as much (out the smoke stack) and saw a post where someone said that humidity or damp weather can cause it. Affects the pellets. I have noticed it sometimes in the winter but I just live with it as it still cooks and tastes great. ):(
Brand new to the pellet world and I have a question. I live in North Florida and our humidity is off the charts this time of year. Do I need to worry about humidity effecting my pellets in the hopper. My grill will be on the back porch under the roof.
I live in NW Florida also, My Vertical is stored on my screened in back porch as well as my pellets in their respective containers. I have never had any issue with the pellets getting moist or soggy. I use pit boss pellets only, I have heard stories about traegers pellets having issues though. Hope this helps

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