One Year anniversary.... and I'm applaud at the lack of durability


Jan 17, 2022
Reaction score
Great Falls, Montana
June 2023..... This marks the one year anniversary of me buying/owning a Pit Boss PB1100PSC2, and frankly, I am appalled at this thing's, lack of durability, and need for intensive care.

I use a grill nearly every day, even during the harsh, below zero snow/winter weather here in Montana. But.... I also have kept this grill/smoker clean... more so then any other grill I've owned, and protected with a cover from day one. The main reason I am here, writing this scathing review, is because so far, after 3 attempts at contact, over more then a moth's time, I've gotten no response(s) from PitBoss. In addition, after carefully reading the entire "warranty" info.... I find this: "the warranty does not cover rust or oxidization".... in other words, you can buy one of their $800+ grills/smokers, it falls apart via rust within a year, and they take no responsibility..... how convenient for PitBoss. Almost as if they know there is a finish durability issue. Hmmm?

As you can see from the pics, the propane grill side has serious durability issues.... already the finish is gone, and things are nearly rusted through! You can also see the "chrome" on the control knobs has not endured well either, peeling/falling off.
While the finish durability and the rust are unacceptable, worse are the things/maintenance requirements that cannot be seen, particularly on the smoker side. On average, I use the smoker at least once a week, typically to smoke meats, and less often for "cold" smoking things such as cheeses.

Within the one year that I have owned this grill/smoker, I have had to completely disassemble, clean, and reassemble the smoker side/mechanism, not once, not twice, but THREE times in order to keep it working. Smoke residue/build up literally froze the fan/mechanism all three times. We're not talking a simple "brush it off and go" thing either. Each time it required a complete tear down, part by part, and for those parts not able to be cleaned with liquid cleaner/soap and water (as in the open motor used for the blower), it required purchasing/using "electric motor cleaner", at more then $10 per can! Time wise, each tear down/cleaning/reassembly cost me 3+ hours of maintenance time....far more then any other grill or smoker I've owned.

Initially I chose the PitBoss brand over the Traeger because PitBoss uses heavier gauge steel, and I made the assumption (which is now proven wrong) that because of that, PitBoss would also choose better/more durability throughout the construction/finish of their grills/smokers.

Hopefully someone from the company will see this and respond, because after having paid $849, this is arguably the worst purchase I have ever made! I've owned any number of grills in my life, and when a $139 Walmart propane grill outlasts (by several YEARS) something that cost as much as this PitBoss, then something is very wrong.

I've been waiting for a response from the company before posting here, or trying to repair this thing, but I suppose since PitBoss doesn't seem interested in addressing my issue(s)/responding to my communication attempts, I'll put my disappointment out here, for the whole world to see...and then just maybe...the squeaky wheel will get some grease. I've got to do something in order to mitigate the damages on the grill...before the holes start appearing, and simply can't wait any longer to hear from PitBoss.

In conclusion, I can't think of any product I've ever purchased, that has been so dissapointing from a durability standpont, and such a horrible value.


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June 2023..... This marks the one year anniversary of me buying/owning a Pit Boss PB1100PSC2, and frankly, I am appalled at this thing's, lack of durability, and need for intensive care.

I use a grill nearly every day, even during the harsh, below zero snow/winter weather here in Montana. But.... I also have kept this grill/smoker clean... more so then any other grill I've owned, and protected with a cover from day one. The main reason I am here, writing this scathing review, is because so far, after 3 attempts at contact, over more then a moth's time, I've gotten no response(s) from PitBoss. In addition, after carefully reading the entire "warranty" info.... I find this: "the warranty does not cover rust or oxidization".... in other words, you can buy one of their $800+ grills/smokers, it falls apart via rust within a year, and they take no responsibility..... how convenient for PitBoss. Almost as if they know there is a finish durability issue. Hmmm?

As you can see from the pics, the propane grill side has serious durability issues.... already the finish is gone, and things are nearly rusted through! You can also see the "chrome" on the control knobs has not endured well either, peeling/falling off.
While the finish durability and the rust are unacceptable, worse are the things/maintenance requirements that cannot be seen, particularly on the smoker side. On average, I use the smoker at least once a week, typically to smoke meats, and less often for "cold" smoking things such as cheeses.

Within the one year that I have owned this grill/smoker, I have had to completely disassemble, clean, and reassemble the smoker side/mechanism, not once, not twice, but THREE times in order to keep it working. Smoke residue/build up literally froze the fan/mechanism all three times. We're not talking a simple "brush it off and go" thing either. Each time it required a complete tear down, part by part, and for those parts not able to be cleaned with liquid cleaner/soap and water (as in the open motor used for the blower), it required purchasing/using "electric motor cleaner", at more then $10 per can! Time wise, each tear down/cleaning/reassembly cost me 3+ hours of maintenance time....far more then any other grill or smoker I've owned.

Initially I chose the PitBoss brand over the Traeger because PitBoss uses heavier gauge steel, and I made the assumption (which is now proven wrong) that because of that, PitBoss would also choose better/more durability throughout the construction/finish of their grills/smokers.

Hopefully someone from the company will see this and respond, because after having paid $849, this is arguably the worst purchase I have ever made! I've owned any number of grills in my life, and when a $139 Walmart propane grill outlasts (by several YEARS) something that cost as much as this PitBoss, then something is very wrong.

I've been waiting for a response from the company before posting here, or trying to repair this thing, but I suppose since PitBoss doesn't seem interested in addressing my issue(s)/responding to my communication attempts, I'll put my disappointment out here, for the whole world to see...and then just maybe...the squeaky wheel will get some grease. I've got to do something in order to mitigate the damages on the grill...before the holes start appearing, and simply can't wait any longer to hear from PitBoss.

In conclusion, I can't think of any product I've ever purchased, that has been so dissapointing from a durability standpont, and such a horrible value.
Your pics and narrative make it pretty clear what you are dealing with. Good grief.
For my model which I’ve had since Sept of 2021 there’s nothing like that deterioration going on.
As far as anyone from PB reading your post, I really don’t know. As I understand it the persons behind the creation and management of this group are not affiliated directly with PB.
Good luck in some sort of resolution.
I certainly would hope that nobody else has to deal with this sort of thing. I knew, writing my post, that this isn't an "official" PitBoss forum, but was/am hoping that my situation somehow trickles back to the company, and I get as least some type of response from them. As it is right now, having tried contact through PitBoss/email, a total of 3X over a month's time period, and not getting any response/reply, I can only assume that PitBoss is willfully not responding to my communications. That only worsens my grief/anger in that it makes me feel as if they got my money..... and that's all they are interested in.

This was the first time I have ever spent this kind of money on a "grill"..... and expected far better then the reality of what I got. Particularly in the area of customer care/support.....which as of this writing has be NON-EXISTENT. Even SOME type of response/reply to my emails would likely have tempered my attitude, but being a small business owner/operator myself, I know the importance of customer care, and consequences of not providing it. As they say....bad news travels at the speed of sound.
I don’t think anyone from PB views this forum but I hope they do. I have had both of mine for 3+ years and do not have deterioration like that. My vertical is a beast. The “grill” PB did have some discoloration but I spray painted it with black high heat paint and it has been fine ever since.

I truly hope you get a response. Did you call or email?
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Yest Sir I have.....
email, a total of 3X over a month's time period, and not getting any response/reply, I can only assume that PitBoss is willfully not responding to my communications.

I've been on the PB site MANY times over the last 2 months, trying to find a way to make contact/get some customer support. NEVER has their "chat" been available, and EVERY time I have tried to call the listed phone number, I get "Mailbox is full, Thank you. Goodbye", and disconnected. In other words, dead ends to all contact attempts. I would have liked to be a cheerleader for PB, but am quickly going the other way.

I've owned/operated my own business for decades, and in this post covid world, have seen to many other businesses go the route it appears PB has gone too..... that is, being forced to hire slugs and dregs, just to fill positions, and as a consequence, the entire company gets dragged down to the level of the lowest slug/dreg that works there. That being said, it's still no excuse to leave paying customers hanging out there with unresolved issues.

Thinking back, I also had contact issues when I first purchased this grill/smoker. The website would not allow me to "register" my grill, and after several attempts at phone calls, I was able to actually speak with someone, and supposedly they put it "into the system", however, upon checking this morning, There is no information listed under my "account" except my login/email, which leads me to believe my grill/smoker never got put into the system. Hmmmm, Chalk that up to covid too? Or is it just poor business practices?? At this point in time, I believe both.

The more I write, the angrier I become. For perspective sake, how would you, or anyone else feel if you purchased a new car/truck, and when it came time for a "warranty issue", you got the same results that I have with PitBoss? I suspect you'd be at the very least "upset"?

Finally... After taking/posting the pictures in my initial post, I have "repaired" the grill myself. The backside was actually rusted through in a couple of small spots. I had to cut those areas out, and weld in "patches", but otherwise I cleaned up everything else, and refinished with "high heat" paint. It's obvious repairs have been made, and the color match isn't exact, but the grill is as usable as it's gona get short of replacement.
Kinda akin to the exhaust falling off that brand new car/truck I mentioned previously, and and the owner being forced to repair it themselves/outta their own pocket.

If any of you out there has a way to direct PitBoss to this thread, please feel free to do so, because from this point on, or until PitBoss contacts me, I'll be singing it from the rooftops.... as to why folks should steer clear of this company. I try to give everyone a "chance", and this company just ran out of theirs.
Yest Sir I have.....

I've been on the PB site MANY times over the last 2 months, trying to find a way to make contact/get some customer support. NEVER has their "chat" been available, and EVERY time I have tried to call the listed phone number, I get "Mailbox is full, Thank you. Goodbye", and disconnected. In other words, dead ends to all contact attempts. I would have liked to be a cheerleader for PB, but am quickly going the other way.

I've owned/operated my own business for decades, and in this post covid world, have seen to many other businesses go the route it appears PB has gone too..... that is, being forced to hire slugs and dregs, just to fill positions, and as a consequence, the entire company gets dragged down to the level of the lowest slug/dreg that works there. That being said, it's still no excuse to leave paying customers hanging out there with unresolved issues.

Thinking back, I also had contact issues when I first purchased this grill/smoker. The website would not allow me to "register" my grill, and after several attempts at phone calls, I was able to actually speak with someone, and supposedly they put it "into the system", however, upon checking this morning, There is no information listed under my "account" except my login/email, which leads me to believe my grill/smoker never got put into the system. Hmmmm, Chalk that up to covid too? Or is it just poor business practices?? At this point in time, I believe both.

The more I write, the angrier I become. For perspective sake, how would you, or anyone else feel if you purchased a new car/truck, and when it came time for a "warranty issue", you got the same results that I have with PitBoss? I suspect you'd be at the very least "upset"?

Finally... After taking/posting the pictures in my initial post, I have "repaired" the grill myself. The backside was actually rusted through in a couple of small spots. I had to cut those areas out, and weld in "patches", but otherwise I cleaned up everything else, and refinished with "high heat" paint. It's obvious repairs have been made, and the color match isn't exact, but the grill is as usable as it's gona get short of replacement.
Kinda akin to the exhaust falling off that brand new car/truck I mentioned previously, and and the owner being forced to repair it themselves/outta their own pocket.

If any of you out there has a way to direct PitBoss to this thread, please feel free to do so, because from this point on, or until PitBoss contacts me, I'll be singing it from the rooftops.... as to why folks should steer clear of this company. I try to give everyone a "chance", and this company just ran out of theirs.
I don’t I have a durability issue yet, but my issue with Pit Boss is representation. Although I take the blame for being a little gullible, I bought my first pellet grill, a pit boss, several months ago a Lexington. And on the box was a picture of a cell phone saying “ download the pit boss app” so I made the false assumption, again my fault, that this grill was Wi-Fi. I would communicate with the app which is wrong. This grill is not Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capable before I realize this I called pit boss and I did get someone and I asked him why it would not connect to the app, and then they informed me that it does not. I asked them why would they put a picture of the phone in and imply that the grill works with the app? He proceeded to ask me where on the box or any documentation does it say the grill is Wi-Fi capable? I told him that after further looking at it, it didn’t, but the box with the picture of the app and the phone on it to me was implying that it worked with it, and I felt like it was false advertisement, he started in again on where does it say it so I terminated the conversation and chalk it up to me not paying good enough attention. Smoke con.