Smoking Brisket & Ribs


New member
Aug 29, 2023
Reaction score
Winfield, WV
Hey all, I am looking to step up my beginner game by smoking a brisket and ribs this weekend. I know you can smoke them both at the same time, but is there a preferred way?

My plan was to smoke the brisket starting the night before around 200F until reaching 165F internal temp and proceeding that way. If I was to smoke ribs at the same time;

1) What is the best time during the brisket smoking process to add the ribs?
2) Where should I place the meat? I'm assuming brisket below the ribs?
3) Any other advice??
If you're doing beef rib (dino bones) you can cook them together side by side. I actually like beef ribs better than brisket.
Before wrap.


Hey all, I am looking to step up my beginner game by smoking a brisket and ribs this weekend. I know you can smoke them both at the same time, but is there a preferred way?

My plan was to smoke the brisket starting the night before around 200F until reaching 165F internal temp and proceeding that way. If I was to smoke ribs at the same time;

1) What is the best time during the brisket smoking process to add the ribs?
2) Where should I place the meat? I'm assuming brisket below the ribs?
3) Any other advice??
Great question. I’ve been thinking about this very thing but just haven’t gotten there yet.

The model may have a play on how to go about what you are asking.

So hypothetically for my vertical I’d do som mental calculations on my usual brisket time vs usual rib time and go from there. Brisket gets a big head start.

225ish would be my target temp all along I think.

Times? So many variables but I’d ball park 10-12 for my brisket and 5 or so for the ribs. But that’s my machine at the usual brisket I go for.

One over the other? In my case I’d say it doesn’t matter as I may swap racks out now an then due to different temps at different levels. But the mixing of juices and flavor is all good as far as I’m concerned.

Come wrap time based on internal temp for the brisket and time for the ribs, that’ll keep you on your toes.

Then there’s the “rest” time, If I ever tackle this I’d start way early letting the meats get done early and then just hold them wrappped in towels and in a styrofoam cooler until it time to placate the gang.

Sounds like a fun project so when you give it a go take some pics and send us a narrative of the event.
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