Temp fluctuations

You'll have to be more specific. What is your set temp and how much of a range are you seeing? Fluctuations are normal, although it should be minimized with a PID controller. What are you using to measure the temp fluctuations?
I set on smoke to start. Then up to 200. Starts slow goes to 150, then up to 200 then drops to 100, then back up to 225. Never settled to a workable temperature..

Understood. That would be a problem.

First thing would be to make sure your RTD temp probe is clean. That takes one variable out of the mix.

I've never had to do this, but with some models I've seen people start at a higher set temperature (like 300 degrees F) just to get it heated up and running, and then back off the temp gradually to your set point. Obviously not ideal since you need a lot longer start up time and you need to babysit for a bit, but it might be worth a shot to help troubleshoot.

The only other thing I can think of is that you aren't getting enough airflow to keep your firepot burning, therefore the hot and cold swings. I'm almost imagining the glow stick heating and starting up the pellets and getting the grill hot, but then it runs out of oxygen, cools off, and then once it gets below 150 the glow stick has to fire up again and relights it. Is your fan running constantly and can you feel air coming out of your fire pot when you start it up?

Or, I just thought of another option - any chance your pellets got damp? Or that the auger got starved for pellets for a revolution or two?

Otherwise, it could just be a bad controller and/or RTD probe. Let us know if this helps at all.
hi Davef,

I have a vertical PB and the temps are all over the place. The best way to be sure, though, is to compare the PBs temp with a known, accurate one, such as a Thermoworks (+-0.1 degree).

So I know mine was up to 50-60 off. I ordered a new controller and probe; installed them, and it made little difference. The last time I smoked, set it to 225, and at one point soared to 420F. I bought a 3rd-party controller, am testing it...
There is a possibility that your are not leaving in in Smoke long enough. There are dots at the bottom of the screen that disappear when startup is complete. Then you can move to a higher temperature.
As mentioned above, i bought a 3rd party controller. It doesn't fit the opening, but I didn't care, I just want the proper temps. It did pretty well, but generated little to no smoke. I contacted the seller on Amazon, but they didn't reply, so I'm sending it back.

Too bad - I have to choose a smoker with good temps but doesn't smoke, versus one that smokes with wild temp fluctuations...
I’m having opposite problem. I did my burn in on new grill yesterday. Doing ribs today. The temp keeps soaring on me and I have to babysit it. Granted the Wi-Fi makes that much easier. But the whole reason I bought this was so I didn’t have to babysit it like I do my offset smoker. These should maintain the target temp shouldn’t they?
I’m having opposite problem. I did my burn in on new grill yesterday. Doing ribs today. The temp keeps soaring on me and I have to babysit it. Granted the Wi-Fi makes that much easier. But the whole reason I bought this was so I didn’t have to babysit it like I do my offset smoker. These should maintain the target temp shouldn’t they?
Welcome from Texas to the group!
First question I have for you is how long have you had your grill?

If it’s new it’ll take a couple of cooks to settle in. My 820 was like that.

Second question is how often do you clean it including the temperature sensor?

I clean mine after each cook. Stop’s temperature swings
Hopefully this helps you 🇺🇸🇺🇸
It seems to me that this is a common problem. Do they advertise that model as having a "PID" controller? That's the most advanced and accurate type.

I know a lot of you guys say to clean the probe (which I do), but if you think about it, whether it's coated with soot or not it will all come to the same temperature quickly.
A couple other variables to consider…
Outside temp will also affect temp fluctuations. A low P-setting will also cause your auger to feed pellets more often and will burn cleaner (less smoke). Curious if anyone plays with P-settings based on the season (winter vs. summer) to control temp swings.
Give it time. Mine settled in after several cooks. Also, I start at higher temp and notch it down to cooking temp and let it cycle for a bit until temp fluctuations stay within 10-15 degrees. Learning the intricacies of how my particular cooker operates is part of the fun!