Temperature Control Resolved I Hope on Lexington

J Walker

Feb 19, 2023
Reaction score
Oakton, Va
I have had problems with the temperature control on my Lexington grill and posted about it. I spent some time and pellets checking out different ways of starting up the grill. I found that the startup in the operation manual works and some variations from it don't. When not working correctly the temperature could rise uncontrolled up to 550 degrees. The manual says to initially have the setting in off and then turn the power on. Then move the setting to Smoke. The manual does not say how long to leave it in Smoke but I believe it is until the electric starter turns off (dots on bottom of display disappear). After that I can raise the temperature setting and the controller maintains the set temperature. I grilled for nearly two hours yesterday with no problems using this procedure. I believe my controller and temperature sensor are normal. I will add that the grill temperature regulates at a lower temperature than the set temperature until the temperature setting is 300 deg where it is close. That is not a problem once I know about it. I believe that not all Pitt Boss grills have the startup procedure that I found that I must use because responses to my previous posts suggested going directly to a high temperature setting. I used a wireless monitor to verify temperatures and double checked its accuracy.

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