The fun experimental aspect of it all


Jan 15, 2023
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Rogers, AR
Before I got my pitboss last summer, grilling was always throw some hamburgers, hotdogs and some chicken and call it a day. Now it is more of an experience, trying out new things, learning more about meats than I ever expected.
I am falling down the rabbit hole

This is from this morning testing two new temp probes and experimenting with a 11 pound brisket from Walmart. I was also playing around with wrapping: this one I tried with no wrapping, but have used aluminum foil before and have some butcher paper being delivered tomorrow. Last weekend I tried a roast beef brisket which I think turned out a bit dry but my wife likes it and the dog has been eating it for breakfast. Instead of bringing donuts to the office, I will bring chopped brisket and other meats. Cost is about the same as a really good dozen donuts [have a friend that has opened up a new Duck Donuts - $22 for a dozen]. Been trying out different cuts from the local butcher and different grocery stores. I actually volunteer taking my wife to Sam's only because they have a really good selection of meats. Normally it is a place that I try to avoid and still will go there in my MX-5 just because it limits what we can bring home. My ND2 has a much smaller trunk than my old NC
This place has been fueling this new addiction with new ideas and mods.
Plus, even though some of the things that I have tried out hasn't worked, nothing has been a waste.
For me, it isn't so much about what is on the grill now but what I'm going to try out next.

The only negative is how much pellets I'm going through [about 20 pounds will last me about 10 days], and what am I going to do with all of this meat