Brisket problem


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2021
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As I posted previously I got a great price on a brisket, got the smallest one they had thinking a good bit would get trimmed off. Didn't seem to need much, and now I am going to have a lot brisket.

What are your favorite recipes for leftover brisket?
As I posted previously I got a great price on a brisket, got the smallest one they had thinking a good bit would get trimmed off. Didn't seem to need much, and now I am going to have a lot brisket.

What are your favorite recipes for leftover brisket?
I made left over brisket chili. I posted it on here,im not sure how to put a link to that thread but I will look and give it a shot
That's the first sign, use temp as a guidance but trust in the tooth pick to let you know when your done cooking. When you get too about 195 push a tooth pick into it you'll feel the meat and fibers as it cooks more that resistance gets less, its done when it feels like your pushing the tooth pick into room temp butter, It should still be moist at that time. If you trimmed off too much fat from the flat it can dry out before the point cooks all the way to tender. I try and leave a thicker layer on the flat compared to the point end. Say a half inch compared to a 1/4 on the point. Looks great tho nice bark
left over brisket whats that .I like the chili idea if it over cooked it will bring it back to life
OP, is your brisket dry and chewy or dry and crumbly?
Seemed more crumbly to me. I couldn't think of the word to describe until I read your post. In the future I will start probing it earlier and trust temp and tenderness. I think I allowed myself to be fooled because it just didn't seem to have been on long enough to be done.
As I posted previously I got a great price on a brisket, got the smallest one they had thinking a good bit would get trimmed off. Didn't seem to need much, and now I am going to have a lot brisket.

What are your favorite recipes for leftover brisket?
One of my favorites is grill or fry some brisket slices with onion, sliced, green peppers, mushrooms (all grilled). Add cheese on a small pile of hot brisket to melt then add to two slices of butter grilled bread. Then horse radish or mayo. makes a GREAT sandwich. That's what I had for lunch today. Sort of a brisket cheese sandwich instead of a philly cheese steak sandwich. Hard to beat anytime. delish!!