Err with a flashing ignitor icon

That's correct. I recently had the controller replaced, and after that, problems started. I can't connect to the controller via WiFi, and the system gives an igniter error 10 seconds after startup.
Check the connections again but it sounds like a bad igniter or the controller could be the issue 🇺🇸🇺🇸
the igniter is connected because it starts to heat up.
I could unplug my grill and plug it back in and it might work for an hour or more or I might have to unplug and replug it in several times before it would start working. But it never failed to shut down if I walked away from it. It might work for 2 hours or 10 minutes. I would call Customer Service and they can help.
Была точно такая же ошибка: мигал значок зажигания и выключался на моем Lexington Onyx Edition. В службе поддержки сообщили, что это происходит с контроллером. Я сказал, но значок зажигателя мигает. Он говорит, что контроллер — это мозги. Я сказал окей. На получение контроллера ушло больше месяца, между несколькими звонками и вопросом, где мой сменный контроллер. В любом случае я устанавливаю новый контроллер. Запустил и получил ту же ошибку. Итак, я думаю, что неисправен воспламенитель, как я изначально думал, и, не желая ждать еще месяц замены воспламенителя, я заказал запасной воспламенитель на Amazon за 13 долларов. Получил через 3 дня. Это устранило проблему. Я продал Лексингтон и купил 1250 Платинум. Вот ссылка на воспламенитель.
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I changed the igniter. but the problem persists
Your controller has a new feature… pretty new to PitBoss. It’s an auto relight feature and whenever your barrel temperatures drop to a certain set point below your dial setting temperature, the igniter will activate to stop a possible flameout. Depending on your model of PITBOSS you may see the Igniter symbol come on during a smoke session… that the auto relight feature at work.

If it kept your smoker running, then it did its job and there’s no problem. It is fine and absolutely normal for your smoker.

If it throws the igniter ERROR and goes into shutdown, unfortunately that’s a known controller issue. Call customer service at 480-923-9630 Or 877-303-3134 for a replacement controller.

Smoke On!
The controller gives an error after 3 seconds. to reset this error you need to turn the controller on and off
That's correct. I recently had the controller replaced, and after that, problems started. I can't connect to the controller via WiFi, and the system gives an igniter error 10 seconds after startup.
You say the problem started when you changed the controller? Put the old controller back in and see if the error goes away. Maybe Pit Boss sent you a faulty controller.
Welcome from Texas to the group !
If that is your exact code "Err" your Temperature Probe wires are not making a connection
Check all of your connections first.
It also could be the igniter or the controller
Hopefully this helps you. Let me know what you find 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I can unplug my unit and it will restart and run perfectly for about 10 minutes then the ERR message comes back and shuts down. Dave in Colorado.
I can unplug my unit and it will restart and run perfectly for about 10 minutes then the ERR message comes back and shuts down. Dave in Colorado.
Check the temperature probe. If it’s five years old or newer it’s still under warranty
Also check the igniter 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I can unplug my unit and it will restart and run perfectly for about 10 minutes then the ERR message comes back and shuts down. Dave in Colorado.
Along with the ERR code, you might have an icon flashing as well. Mine was the igniter icon flashing. Replacing the igniter fixed it.

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