Looking for offset converts....

It will take a little bit of experiment not to put too much charcoal or wood chunks at one time but it worked really good once you got the amount that should be in there so it doesn’t heat up the unit too much… my second try I had too much charcoal and woodchucks in the Brunswick and it shut off got 500°
It will take a little bit of experiment not to put too much charcoal or wood chunks at one time but it worked really good once you got the amount that should be in there so it doesn’t heat up the unit too much… my second try I had too much charcoal and woodchucks in the Brunswick and it shut off got 500°
That’s an interesting way of getting smoke into there, I’ll definitely have to try that out.

Currently I’m using a smoke tube but I’ve had great success with also adding wood chips to the tube along with the pellets. You get more smoke flavor this way.

However there is something about that charcoal flavor that I miss
Anyone on here a former offset stick burning "Pitt master" that is now sold on pellets? Got a Bruswick for Christmas as my first pellet smoker and am about ready to take it to the recycling center. Looking for tips to talk me out of giving up. I knew I'd be giving up SOME of the wood smoke flavor for convenience. To that point, it has been incredibly easy to use versus drying and splitting wood for years, always having to closely maintain a fire so I don't over smoke. Also, the meat has been super moist and looks incredible with decent bark and beautiful smoke ring (which I know has no effect on taste) . I could shoot YouTube videos all day making it LOOK like the greatest smoker ever. The problem is everything I've done thus far might as well have been cooked in the oven as far as TASTE goes. Feels like I've given up ALL wood flavor, not just a little. Talk me off the ledge pellet pros!
I always cook at a lower longer temperature 200 to225 for barbecue and ribs I have the pitboss Austin xl mine seem to do good that way. Hamburgers and steaks about 300 to 350
Anyone on here a former offset stick burning "Pitt master" that is now sold on pellets? Got a Bruswick for Christmas as my first pellet smoker and am about ready to take it to the recycling center. Looking for tips to talk me out of giving up. I knew I'd be giving up SOME of the wood smoke flavor for convenience. To that point, it has been incredibly easy to use versus drying and splitting wood for years, always having to closely maintain a fire so I don't over smoke. Also, the meat has been super moist and looks incredible with decent bark and beautiful smoke ring (which I know has no effect on taste) . I could shoot YouTube videos all day making it LOOK like the greatest smoker ever. The problem is everything I've done thus far might as well have been cooked in the oven as far as TASTE goes. Feels like I've given up ALL wood flavor, not just a little. Talk me off the ledge pellet pros!
Give this a try it is what I do and I get a nice smoke flavor.What I do is after startup I put my smoker on smoke setting and do a 3 hour smoke
Give this a try it is what I do and I get a nice smoke flavor.What I do is after startup I put my smoker on smoke setting and do a 3 hour smoke
I’ve tried four hours on the low temperatures for more smoke flavor and it came out very light smoke flavor .. I think pellet grills are more cookers than smoker….
I’ve got the Laredo, coming from a CharGriller off-set. I added a smoke tube after a few cooks for the same issue, just not enough smoke flavor. I’ve tried a few types of pellets lately. I found a mix of Royal Oak charcoal and Pit Boss Comp in the hopper and the Comp in the tube has increased the flavor. I’m waiting for the mesquite pellets to arrive at my local store.
I’ve used oak rum cask pellets, that made for a good flavor as it’s oak.
Just try some heavy flavor wood pellets and you WONT go back.
I pack the pellets in by smacking the tube on the ground a little then refilling it.
I light it with a heat gun on high, just hold it right at the top and it will start smoking like hell, then it will burst into flames.
Let it burn until it goes out on its own then lay it down gently in the place you want it.
Make sure you don't burn your place down with this method, it works but it can be dangerous.
I light my smoke tubes pretty much exactly like this. They last between 2.5 and 5 hours depending on temp, the higher the temp, the faster they burn.

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