New Pit Boss Grill and new to pellet grill cooking

My biggest challenge will be what pellets to use. I have always used oak, pecan, and mesquite mixed on my stick smoker. Friends tell me to use the competition blend. Trial and error I suppose.
To me it’s really whatever you prefer.
One thing I do is to sift the pellets through a colander to get all the pellet dust out 🇺🇸🇨🇱
I'm using the PB Classic pellets in my hopper; they have a mix of pecan, hickory, and mesquite. I don't get enough smokiness with this, so I used B&B mesquite pellets in a smoke tube on my last cook, and that worked really well for me. Yes, it's trial and error.
My biggest challenge will be what pellets to use. I have always used oak, pecan, and mesquite mixed on my stick smoker. Friends tell me to use the competition blend. Trial and error I suppose.

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