
I've spent nearly 6 hours on multiple calls with customer service. The last time the lady actually told me to stand there and keep manually augering pellets in to try and get the temp up faster, I asked her if this is how pit boss designed them...... To stand there holding a button, she said well it will help, I said how about helping me with the problem.
I have read multiple posts from people that say there's gets up to temp and for the most part they aren't the 1600, so my guess is there's a problem with the 1600 that seems no one can explain to me?????
Call and have them send you out a new temperature probe and controller. If the probe is bad, it's telling the controller it's hotter than it is.
If it's the controller getting the correct temperature from the probe, then the controller is bad and not reading the probe inputs correctly and not making an adjustment for more pellets.
I had them send me a new temp probe, controller and ignitor on the first grill...... Same end result! That's why I bought another grill all together figuring it was just a lemon, nope same exact issues!
I had them send me a new temp probe, controller and ignitor on the first grill...... Same end result! That's why I bought another grill all together figuring it was just a lemon, nope same exact issues!
I'd be on the phone again and again until I got a tech who could actually help.

Welcome to the forum and good luck.
Right or wrong I've tried a couple things to get this thing up to temp and here's what I found, after the initial light of the pellets if I just set it for a temperature it takes forever to get there if it even achieves that temperature however if I set it to high it will get there, so now I have to set it for high when it reaches the desired temperature I want, I have to reset it for that temperature that is the only way I can achieve a heat setting in a reasonable amount of time, and on high it climbs on average about 10 degrees per minute!
Again this is for the 1600 would love to hear from anyone else with one!