Not impressed

Well Fast Eddy Pellet grills are far more sophisticated Pellet grills and the average joe is not going to buy one and have it sit in his back yard. You ever see the smoke that Pellet box puts out....Come on it is a stick burner on steroids.

You ever had Danielle Dimovski is not good at all. My wife and I had the privileged to try her BBQ at the KC Masterpeice Show in Kansas City, MO. the ribs tasted like burnt wood and she did not use a pellet grill that I know as the smoke was too much in the meat.

The question was about pellet grills used in Competitions and being successful. The Cost and value of most competitive level bbq grills of any type won’t be found in your average Joe’s back yard... No kidding. Again, the statement was not about your Average Joe and what he or she uses in there backyard. Some bbq hobbyist don’t have a problem spending over $2000.00-3000.00 on their equipment.. I’m not one of them, but if they can afford it and it makes them happy and successful... More Power to them.

Pellet Pro Austin XL and a few more mods... In SoCal and Always... Semper Fi
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The question was about pellet grills used in Competitions and being successful. The Cost and value of most competitive level bbq grills of any type won’t be found in your average Joe’s back yard... No kidding. Again, the statement was not about your Average Joe and what he or she uses in there backyard. Some bbq hobbyist don’t have a problem spending over $2000.00-3000.00 on their equipment.. I’m not one of them, but if they can afford it and it makes them happy and successful... More Power to them.

Pellet Pro Austin XL and a few more mods... In SoCal and Always... Semper Fi
Let me redo my response. I am saying the only individual on that list that can be successful on a pellet grill by using a Fast Eddy.

Now I am sorry I need actual proof that Meat Church..The Man of BBQ Matt Pittman uses a Traeger in competition and not fake news. He was the reason why I bought a Traeger (used one) by watching his classes and how he uses it. I have not heard him say he does competitions with it, but hey I can be wrong not the first time.

On Danielle I will stand my ground her BBQ sucks so if she used a pellet grill and won anything it was rigged. ROFL kidding, but seriously I am actually shocked she won a competition even using an offset.

I"ve seen him on TV. Don't know what he used to compete with at the time but whatever he used, he did not win. Only time I have seen him on TV. I would like to try the Meat Church rubs. Only place around here that has them is Ace Hardware.
Let me redo my response. I am saying the only individual on that list that can be successful on a pellet grill by using a Fast Eddy.

Now I am sorry I need actual proof that Meat Church..The Man of BBQ Matt Pittman uses a Traeger in competition and not fake news. He was the reason why I bought a Traeger (used one) by watching his classes and how he uses it. I have not heard him say he does competitions with it, but hey I can be wrong not the first time.

On Danielle I will stand my ground her BBQ sucks so if she used a pellet grill and won anything it was rigged. ROFL kidding, but seriously I am actually shocked she won a competition even using an offset.
Morning JJ. My son got me one of the Meat Church rubs for Christmas. Took the wife down to Waxahachie, Tx Saturday for our monthly trip to HEB since there are none here in the Dallas area and she like their meat selection. While we were their we stopped by the Meat Church store just to check it out. He has 3 new Traeger smokers in the store. I did not notice if he was selling them or just for show. Nice & clean store. Picked up a few more rubs ( like I needed more).
I have the A-maze-N pellet tube. Found it on clearance in Dec 2019 at Walmart for 9.99. Have used it many times but not on every cook. It even works with wood chips which I used on Thanksgiving but with chips it only burns for 90 min to 2 hours. With pellets I can get it to go for 6 hours. The last time I slow cooked some chicken breasts with it the family said it was too smokey.

Also used it to fumigate the outdoor laundry room. Was smelling musty so I fired it up and let it smoke up the room and it killed whatever bad smell was there. My daughter went out there later and asked why the laundry room smelled like a campfire haha!
New to PB, came from a line of other smokers and I gotta say I can’t get this thing to produce an ounce of a whisp of smoke... pretty disappointed. This just seems to be a wood fired electric grill for all intensive purposes.. 850 Pro Series.... I’ve looked through other threads and cannot find any fixes...
I thought the same at first, but i found it actually worked. I did start using a smoke tube, last 4 to 6 hrs, adds smoke for about the right amount of time on a low slow cook. I also like the smoke tube for doing cold smoke cheese. I dont even turn on the smoker, just light the tube wait 10 mins, add cheese on the racks and close the lid. 2 to 3 hrs perfect smoked cheese.
New to PB, came from a line of other smokers and I gotta say I can’t get this thing to produce an ounce of a whisp of smoke... pretty disappointed. This just seems to be a wood fired electric grill for all intensive purposes.. 850 Pro Series.... I’ve looked through other threads and cannot find any fixes...
When I see threads like this (and similar for other manufacturer groups), I can't help but scratch my head. I've never had an issue with lack of smoke with my Pitboss Pro. I've used a variety of pellet brands, and cooked all sorts of meats...

The first question that always comes to mind is: what temperature are you trying to cook at? The higher the cooking temp, the less smoke you will see, as you are running mire fire than “smoke” (smoke being a product of less flame, and more smoldering).

I remember in my earliest days of smoking meats... With a traditional stick burner... I built a fire and then after a lot of weed burned down to large coals, I then moved turn-around and placed smoking wood new, but not directly on the coals. Smoke. If I'm just added wood I'm not less smoke.

I will say, the colder the outside temperature is, the less smoke Imger...but never enough to affect the cook or resulting flavor. It's just that when ambient temp is low, it takes more fire to keep temps up.

Maybe someone here can give better advice.
I just hope it’s enough smoke for this brisket I just made, I don’t feel like I should have to buy a smoke tube when I buy a brand new “smoker”.
You shouldn't have to add anything but your smoking pellets. I've done a couple of brisket with my PitBoss Pro. Plenty of smoke.
The key to Great bbqing is learning your grill and learning your equipment... Every bbq cooking tool has its own nuances. Pellet Grills are not Off-Set stick burners, they have their own steps and procedures to follow too get the best results. Always, plan your work and work your plan with your equipment... Pellet Grills are not designed to go Hot and Fast for great smoke flavor... They are designed for Low and Slow bbqing for the best Smoke production and results. Always start at 200* degrees or lower for the first 2-3 hours for a brisket and spritz every 45 mins to an hour too help the smoke stick better to the brisket. After the first 2-3 hours of 200* degrees or lower temp is completed, then bump the Controllers temp setting up to 250*-275* degrees too finish your brisket. FYI, since the fire pot is centered and at the bottom of your grill, always bbq your briskets with the Fat Cap down until it’s time to wrap, then flip it over. The Fat Cap will help protect your brisket from the heat source being directly under it. Pellet Smoke is not bad, it’s just very clean smoke, so running your grill at the ideal Smoke temps to start your bbq is required and try using 100% wood type pellets when possible like Hickory and Mesquite from Lumberjack for the best pellet smoke. Lastly, adding a Pellet Tube is only a $20.00 investment and you can use the Wood Chips of your choice mixed in with Wood Pellets to add that extra boost of smoke flavor if so desired. You’ll have enough smoke if you follow these steps. Good luck.

Pellet Pro Austin XL and a few more mods... In SoCal and Always... Semper Fi
Exactly right! This is THE best post on the 850 Pro I've seen to date. Period.
Print this out and keep it in your bbq log book inside front cover.

You do have one, right? 😎

Semper Fi.
My KC combo also didn’t produce a lot of smoke. After smoking this for about 7 hours, it came out looking like this. #tritip


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New to PB, came from a line of other smokers and I gotta say I can’t get this thing to produce an ounce of a whisp of smoke... pretty disappointed. This just seems to be a wood fired electric grill for all intensive purposes.. 850 Pro Series.... I’ve looked through other threads and cannot find any fixes...
New to PB, came from a line of other smokers and I gotta say I can’t get this thing to produce an ounce of a whisp of smoke... pretty disappointed. This just seems to be a wood fired electric grill for all intensive purposes.. 850 Pro Series.... I’ve looked through other threads and cannot find any fixes...
I always use a smoke tube regardless of what I am cooking on and I always get great smoke.

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