PBV4PS2 temperature issues


Sep 24, 2021
Reaction score
Long Island
Hello all,

Have been using my vertical smoker for about a year now. It's generally great, but I do notice that the temps it registers are way off - sometimes up to 30 degrees or more.

I took the meat probe and put it in the smoker. There's even a difference between that temp and the internal probe. Then I put 2 probes from my Thermatemp Smoke unit (plus or minus one tenth of a degree) and they are both the same, but the PitBoss probes can be up to 30 degrees off.

Anybody else experiencing this?
Hello all,

Have been using my vertical smoker for about a year now. It's generally great, but I do notice that the temps it registers are way off - sometimes up to 30 degrees or more.

I took the meat probe and put it in the smoker. There's even a difference between that temp and the internal probe. Then I put 2 probes from my Thermatemp Smoke unit (plus or minus one tenth of a degree) and they are both the same, but the PitBoss probes can be up to 30 degrees off.

Anybody else experiencing this?
How often do you clean the temperature sensor?
Could be a controller issue as well
Dirty temperature sensor cause’s temperature swings
Hopefully this helps you 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Hello all,

Have been using my vertical smoker for about a year now. It's generally great, but I do notice that the temps it registers are way off - sometimes up to 30 degrees or more.

I took the meat probe and put it in the smoker. There's even a difference between that temp and the internal probe. Then I put 2 probes from my Thermatemp Smoke unit (plus or minus one tenth of a degree) and they are both the same, but the PitBoss probes can be up to 30 degrees off.

Anybody else experiencing this?
Yes, I am fairly new to the PB Vertical smoker pro from Lowes. I did a cook on Labor Day. Temp set at 220F and it would drop down to 214F. I raised temp to 230F and it held steady. Bluetooth connects with SMOKE-IT but the icon never comes on solid. I will be contacting Pit Boss.
Can you send Dawn over? (LOL)
Yes, I am fairly new to the PB Vertical smoker pro from Lowes. I did a cook on Labor Day. Temp set at 220F and it would drop down to 214F. I raised temp to 230F and it held steady. Bluetooth connects with SMOKE-IT but the icon never comes on solid. I will be contacting Pit Boss.
At the initial start up you’ll get temperature swings until it settles down

At the initial start up you’ll get temperature swings until it settles down
Yea, in my opinion this is a big deal and something folks need to factor in regarding stable temps. The CP needs time to do its thing. A lot depends on what your cooking but I often allow at least 45 minutes to let the PB get up to temp and then stabilize.
I started having some weird problems with mine over the last month or two. I found that Following the start up procedures in the manual like I used to doesn’t work for any more and my the temp between the internal thermometer and a probe laying on the rack is normally about 50 degrees. i would set it for 250 degrees and the actual temp would register 197ish and stay there, even though the probe on the rack would say it was near 250 degrees. after experimenting over the last few weekends that after the smoke starts rolling if I close the door and set it for 300 degrees, then back it off after it gets to my desired temp the difference is only about 5 degrees between the internal thermometer and a probe laying on the rack, and the actual temp seems to be accurate. Not sure why, but it’s the only thing I could get to work. I called customer service about it, and they did send me a replacement internal thermometer, but it didn’t make any difference. So for now this is how I operate my smoker.
I started having some weird problems with mine over the last month or two. I found that Following the start up procedures in the manual like I used to doesn’t work for any more and my the temp between the internal thermometer and a probe laying on the rack is normally about 50 degrees. i would set it for 250 degrees and the actual temp would register 197ish and stay there, even though the probe on the rack would say it was near 250 degrees. after experimenting over the last few weekends that after the smoke starts rolling if I close the door and set it for 300 degrees, then back it off after it gets to my desired temp the difference is only about 5 degrees between the internal thermometer and a probe laying on the rack, and the actual temp seems to be accurate. Not sure why, but it’s the only thing I could get to work. I called customer service about it, and they did send me a replacement internal thermometer, but it didn’t make any difference. So for now this is how I operate my smoker.
Me too...
I started having some weird problems with mine over the last month or two. I found that Following the start up procedures in the manual like I used to doesn’t work for any more and my the temp between the internal thermometer and a probe laying on the rack is normally about 50 degrees. i would set it for 250 degrees and the actual temp would register 197ish and stay there, even though the probe on the rack would say it was near 250 degrees. after experimenting over the last few weekends that after the smoke starts rolling if I close the door and set it for 300 degrees, then back it off after it gets to my desired temp the difference is only about 5 degrees between the internal thermometer and a probe laying on the rack, and the actual temp seems to be accurate. Not sure why, but it’s the only thing I could get to work. I called customer service about it, and they did send me a replacement internal thermometer, but it didn’t make any difference. So for now this is how I operate my smoker.
Yeah....I had that same issue.

Two issues:
1. The controller is lying to you.....it says what you want it to say.....but it's reading is really off....and the controller does know it, but the gain is so low that it can't do anything about it. They do this to make the customer happy and not see changes that are actually happening in their smoker. I have validated this by even removing the probe and putting it in the middle of the smoker and it is not a probe issue....it is a controller issue.

2. The gain is SOOOOO slow and lags so badly that the controller will not increase the auger speed at lower setpoints....it undershoots and sits for hours without the ability to increase the output. That is why setting it for something higher and letting it go there....and then backing it back down works so much faster, because it doesn't have to rely on the gain to bring it to temperature.....in effect, you have become the PID controller.

Two solutions:
1. When you setup the smoker....make sure to leave the door open for a bit.....to make the controller see a larger error in temperature....this will drive the output more in the beginning, and force an overshoot when you close the door.

2. IF you see that the temperature is actually lower inside.....but the controller is lying to you....then PRESS and HOLD the Prime button....that will force the Auger to move and add more pellets manually.....this will increase the temperature quicker.

I owned an extra RecTeq controller.....so I installed it, and all these issues went away.....it works perfectly. I love the PBV4PS2, and believe with a different controller, it is the BEST smoker on the market within the price range.

Yeah....I had that same issue.

Two issues:
1. The controller is lying to you.....it says what you want it to say.....but it's reading is really off....and the controller does know it, but the gain is so low that it can't do anything about it. They do this to make the customer happy and not see changes that are actually happening in their smoker. I have validated this by even removing the probe and putting it in the middle of the smoker and it is not a probe issue....it is a controller issue.

2. The gain is SOOOOO slow and lags so badly that the controller will not increase the auger speed at lower setpoints....it undershoots and sits for hours without the ability to increase the output. That is why setting it for something higher and letting it go there....and then backing it back down works so much faster, because it doesn't have to rely on the gain to bring it to temperature.....in effect, you have become the PID controller.

Two solutions:
1. When you setup the smoker....make sure to leave the door open for a bit.....to make the controller see a larger error in temperature....this will drive the output more in the beginning, and force an overshoot when you close the door.

2. IF you see that the temperature is actually lower inside.....but the controller is lying to you....then PRESS and HOLD the Prime button....that will force the Auger to move and add more pellets manually.....this will increase the temperature quicker.

I owned an extra RecTeq controller.....so I installed it, and all these issues went away.....it works perfectly. I love the PBV4PS2, and believe with a different controller, it is the BEST smoker on the market within the price range.

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I’m having all the same issues since day one with mine as well. Customer service already sent me a new control panel. Same issues still. WHERE CAN I GET ONE OF THESE CONTROL PANELS??? I’d gladly buy one if you say you have proper temp settings and results now?