Smoke coming out of hopper

I experienced the smoke from the auger/pellet box as well. Somewhere in the maintenance directions it said after smoking, "burn off" the grills and then brush off the ash. This is on an 1100 combo.

Cranked up the heat to 500 on the smoker side for about 20 minutes then shut it down.

Had smoke (slowly and not much volume) exiting the hopper for about 45 minutes. Kept an I on it for flare up and let it burn itself out. I did not want to throw water in it (if I didn't have to) and have to clean up that mess.

Smoke stopped, waited till following morning, ran the auger for about a minute to dump all the burnt and semi-burnt pellets. No issues since.

But NOW (suggestion I read in this forum) I remove the grills to the sink in my garage, let soak for about 2 hours in warm water with Dawn soap and scrub them off with a scrubby sponge. They look great and no potential fire hazard.

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