Temp problem on new smoker?

Forgive me for jumping in here, I have a 440 and have used it about 4 times. It has a mechanical temp gauge on the hood along with the electronic one. There is often a 100 degree difference between the two. I think it is keeping the set temperature (at least it thinks it is as the electronic temp and the set temp are close), but the mechanical one is about 100 less. Should I go by the mechanical one?
I bought two oven thermometers for $6 at Walmart and leave them inside when I’m cooking. Honestly, don’t spend on hood thermometers. Buy oven type and leave there. I barely open the hood to peak in there and monitor the temp. I think buying the wired thermometers that measure ambient temps are probably best. I place my oven thermos next to the food so I know how hot it is.
PB emailed me back, said to go by the digital one, due to the position in the grill vs. the dome/mechanical one. I will get the oven thermometers and see how they compare....
I’m smoking a pork butt using Kosmos dirty bird and placed it on the left (hot side) of the chamber and internal temp is rising like it should. On the original post of this thread I complained about a butt taking for ever to reach 160 internally but not this one. The original shoulder took 8 hours to reach 127 degrees but this one is at 145 after only two hours. This one is also much smaller at only 2.5# so I’m sure that’s helping.

I’ve learned the hot zones of my smoker since then and I’ve updated the controller the pit boss sent me. I think I’m loving my smoker all over again. Plus, I’ve followed recipes this time and food is starting to come out more delicious than before.
When I started I would rush it and things were coming out bad.
Hopefully the honey moon continues for several more years 🥰
I have the WM oven thermometer in now and ran it for about 20 minutes. I placed it less than 2 inches from the probe for the digital and it was reading about 100 degrees less than the digital was (470 vs 375). I have emailed PB about it, beginning to wish I hadnt gotten this thing. It has not cooked anything right yet -
Forgive me for jumping in here, I have a 440 and have used it about 4 times. It has a mechanical temp gauge on the hood along with the electronic one. There is often a 100 degree difference between the two. I think it is keeping the set temperature (at least it thinks it is as the electronic temp and the set temp are close), but the mechanical one is about 100 less. Should I go by the mechanical one?
i wouldn't throw a mechanical oven temp gauge on the grill to check temp or put a temp probe in a small block of wood and set it on the grate you really want to know the at the grate