Unhappy customer

I have now owned 2 Pitt boss smokers. The first one was a fantastic unit always worked great. So I decided to upgrade to a bigger unit. The new unit that was available, is now full of flaws. Has not worked right sense I purchased it. Will not hold correct temps, to what it is set to. They sent me a new thermometer. Now it is way off. And it says it is over heating and shuts down. But the stand alone thermometer I placed on the grill never gets above 250. I have called and called about this, to get no help. Can anyone give me some ideas to get this resolved????
I have the 850, lowes, and have had no issues except when they changed the app, but that was a headache for a few users. Did you buy it assembled or in a sealed box because that is where you need to start as to manuals. If sealed box, that's on PB, if assembled it's where you bought it. Also, unless PB fired everyone they have been pretty good on help. Hope you get it worked out. Also keep mind these are sold all over and this is a very very small window as to complaint/satisfaction window.