Auger bushing


New member
Dec 26, 2024
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I’m new to this forum but not new to smoking meat or using a Pit Boss. I’ve had had two auger back burns into the pellet hopper on my PB150PPG and this time it melted the drive gear in the auger motor gearbox. I was wondering if anyone has made a bushing out of brass to replace the factory nylon one that I have melted twice, it might stop the fire from getting into the hopper and toasting the auger motor. Thanks for any advice on my thoughts. This happened both times when I was smoking at 200 degrees.
Welcome from Texas to the group!
Sift your pellets through a colander before putting them in the hopper. That’ll stop it from burning in the auger
Store the remaining pellets in a airtight container
Give PitBoss a call and have them send you a new gear
Hopefully this helps you 🇨🇱🇺🇸
Thanks for your advise, I picked up the sifting the pellets on this forum after my second fire and I do store the pellets in a sealed bucket. I’ve used a PB350 for many years and never had a problem, I guess I should consider myself lucky. It’s also too bad there is no door to empty the pellet hopper on the PB150 PPG it’s just too compact and there is no room for a drain. I contacted PitBoss and my unit is still under warranty and they will by sending me new parts. Thanks again.