Firmware Update for Pit Boss Pro Series 850?

Time for another update: 8/25/2021
I called the support line again, since I have still not received any notification that a new PID had been sent (after about a week of waiting). I spoke with another very friendly person, but ultimately had another very frustrating experience. I was told that the control board was on back-order and could take 6-8 weeks to ship. I explained the 10 deg. increment issue and the patterns seen on this thread and she acknowledged the situation but was unfortunately unable to help. She mentioned that common litany:
  • there were no firmware updates for the 850s
  • these smokers were exclusive to Lowe's and that perhaps I should try to return the product to Lowe's
  • she said they have no way of knowing which control boards have the 10 deg. increments in them (if any), but they will "honor the 5 year warranty" and send out a new control board when asked.
  • We discussed how this sets up a very inefficient (and costly?) scenario where I will continue to be sent a non-10 deg. board, call and ask for a new one, and get sent a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...

So that's basically where I stand now. I have no idea how some folks have been able to navigate this and get them to upgrade their firmware or be sent an updated board. I fully expect the back-ordered board that is shipping to me in 6-8 weeks will be the non-10 deg. version. I will then call back and ask for another, and the process will repeat until I give-up or Danson's goes bankrupt 1 control board at a time... seems like a great business model.
Time for another update: 8/25/2021
I called the support line again, since I have still not received any notification that a new PID had been sent (after about a week of waiting). I spoke with another very friendly person, but ultimately had another very frustrating experience. I was told that the control board was on back-order and could take 6-8 weeks to ship. I explained the 10 deg. increment issue and the patterns seen on this thread and she acknowledged the situation but was unfortunately unable to help. She mentioned that common litany:
  • there were no firmware updates for the 850s
  • these smokers were exclusive to Lowe's and that perhaps I should try to return the product to Lowe's
  • she said they have no way of knowing which control boards have the 10 deg. increments in them (if any), but they will "honor the 5 year warranty" and send out a new control board when asked.
  • We discussed how this sets up a very inefficient (and costly?) scenario where I will continue to be sent a non-10 deg. board, call and ask for a new one, and get sent a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...

So that's basically where I stand now. I have no idea how some folks have been able to navigate this and get them to upgrade their firmware or be sent an updated board. I fully expect the back-ordered board that is shipping to me in 6-8 weeks will be the non-10 deg. version. I will then call back and ask for another, and the process will repeat until I give-up or Danson's goes bankrupt 1 control board at a time... seems like a great business model.
I believe all of the new boards will have the update of 10 degrees,
Just adding to this thread...

I got an 850 from Lowes yesterday. The guy working in the garden section said he just bought one and it had the same 10* control as the 1150 does. Well this one does not. I called Pit Boss today and the guy said he knows of no replacement board for the 850 that has the 10* increment, but maybe in 6 months..... He did say he spoke to 2 people last month that actually were able to get a firmware update by connecting through the Smoke iT app. I see no way to do it through the app. Any others see it?
Time for another update: 8/25/2021
I called the support line again, since I have still not received any notification that a new PID had been sent (after about a week of waiting). I spoke with another very friendly person, but ultimately had another very frustrating experience. I was told that the control board was on back-order and could take 6-8 weeks to ship. I explained the 10 deg. increment issue and the patterns seen on this thread and she acknowledged the situation but was unfortunately unable to help. She mentioned that common litany:
  • there were no firmware updates for the 850s
  • these smokers were exclusive to Lowe's and that perhaps I should try to return the product to Lowe's
  • she said they have no way of knowing which control boards have the 10 deg. increments in them (if any), but they will "honor the 5 year warranty" and send out a new control board when asked.
  • We discussed how this sets up a very inefficient (and costly?) scenario where I will continue to be sent a non-10 deg. board, call and ask for a new one, and get sent a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...

So that's basically where I stand now. I have no idea how some folks have been able to navigate this and get them to upgrade their firmware or be sent an updated board. I fully expect the back-ordered board that is shipping to me in 6-8 weeks will be the non-10 deg. version. I will then call back and ask for another, and the process will repeat until I give-up or Danson's goes bankrupt 1 control board at a time... seems like a great business model.
Glad I found this thread. Just purchased mine and have been having trouble with the temperature.
Talked to Pit Boss and was told to keep trying as the control board learns as I cook more often?

Looks like they need an update.
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Glad I found this thread. Just purchased mine and have been having trouble with the temperature.
Talked to Pit Boss and was told to keep trying as the control board learns as I cook more often?

Looks like they need an update.
I have read and heard of a controller needing to learn. Did you have another thermometer to check against what the grill temperature was reading? I use the Thermopro 20 from Amazon as the Pit Boss probes are known to be inaccurate. I'd try it a few more cooks/smokes and if there's no difference, call Pit Boss Tech support again. Might need a new controller or RTD probe.
I have read and heard of a controller needing to learn. Did you have another thermometer to check against what the grill temperature was reading? I use the Thermopro 20 from Amazon as the Pit Boss probes are known to be inaccurate. I'd try it a few more cooks/smokes and if there's no difference, call Pit Boss Tech support again. Might need a new controller or RTD probe.

I do have a Thermapro as well and will give it a few more attempts before calling.

I do have a Thermapro as well and will give it a few more attempts before calling.
You might want to invest in a thermal blanket for the grill, Fall is here and winter be here soon. I use my PBV4PS2 smoker year round, in the barn on a level cement floor, and 2 big doors for ventilation/air. Makes a world of difference being out of the winters wind ( and for me too).
Time for another update: 8/25/2021
I called the support line again, since I have still not received any notification that a new PID had been sent (after about a week of waiting). I spoke with another very friendly person, but ultimately had another very frustrating experience. I was told that the control board was on back-order and could take 6-8 weeks to ship. I explained the 10 deg. increment issue and the patterns seen on this thread and she acknowledged the situation but was unfortunately unable to help. She mentioned that common litany:
  • there were no firmware updates for the 850s
  • these smokers were exclusive to Lowe's and that perhaps I should try to return the product to Lowe's
  • she said they have no way of knowing which control boards have the 10 deg. increments in them (if any), but they will "honor the 5 year warranty" and send out a new control board when asked.
  • We discussed how this sets up a very inefficient (and costly?) scenario where I will continue to be sent a non-10 deg. board, call and ask for a new one, and get sent a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...

So that's basically where I stand now. I have no idea how some folks have been able to navigate this and get them to upgrade their firmware or be sent an updated board. I fully expect the back-ordered board that is shipping to me in 6-8 weeks will be the non-10 deg. version. I will then call back and ask for another, and the process will repeat until I give-up or Danson's goes bankrupt 1 control board at a time... seems like a great business model.
Update time again (10/14/21) - I just received my second new controller from PitBoss after waiting ~1.5 months for this one. And, as's identical to the previous two boards and does not provide 10deg increments.

I'm calling back now and expect the same run-around, ~1-2 months of waiting, to receive another controller that doesn't do what they say it does, etc. Really a great experience...
Update time again (10/14/21) - I just received my second new controller from PitBoss after waiting ~1.5 months for this one. And, as's identical to the previous two boards and does not provide 10deg increments.

I'm calling back now and expect the same run-around, ~1-2 months of waiting, to receive another controller that doesn't do what they say it does, etc. Really a great experience...
I've been waiting almost 3 months for a warranty controller for my Silver Star, with no end in sight. Would love to see the 1o degree increments for the 850 but it doesn't sound encouraging.
Hey all,
Thought I would pile on here. Nothing groundbreaking, to be sure. I am having issues with big temp differentials between the chamber and the controller. Replaced the RTD and it didn't provide a material change. Just got done chatting with PB about it and they ordered me a new controller. They asked if mine had 10 or 25 degree increments and when I said 25 she said I had the old firmware also. She said she thought the batch on back-order had the new firmware but if I got one with the old that I could call back and get another one.

Same 'ol story, I know. Just figured I would let everyone know my experience and that I didn't even have to probe about new firmware as it was offered up. Hopefully they will get it done at some point.
Same 'ol story, I know. Just figured I would let everyone know my experience and that I didn't even have to probe about new firmware as it was offered up. Hopefully they will get it done at some point.
Thank you for the update. I want the 850, but have been holding off in the hope the old inventory will sell out. I would really like to get the ten increment controller.
Thank you for the update. I want the 850, but have been holding off in the hope the old inventory will sell out. I would really like to get the ten increment controller.
Just off the phone with Pitboss. To correct my inaccurate temperature readings on my 850 the tech claims he will be sending a new controller, which he claims is in stock. In addition he claims the replacement will have the new increments. Like the 1100. He said some older boards got mixed in with recent shipments but that has been corrected. Will update when I hear more
Now I'm concerned. My order confirmation has (L01) following its description. Guess I'll have to call and ask if I'm getting the update or the same old thing. Would hate to do the entire installation and find it isn't the upgrade.
Now I'm concerned. My order confirmation has (L01) following its description. Guess I'll have to call and ask if I'm getting the update or the same old thing. Would hate to do the entire installation and find it isn't the upgrade.
Well, another tech confirmed that I should get the updated controller for my 850 someday. Seems like everything is back ordered. Sure hope it doesn't take as long as the controller for my Silver Star...going on 4 months.

Found the reason why my Silver Star was popping breakers and GFIs. The wires from the controller to the heat element are fried. Asked a tech if I could get a replacement element and an order was placed. Guess what...back ordered too. So now we wait. For how long, Lord only knows.