I’m baaaaaack!


Well-known member
May 28, 2021
Reaction score
N Ga Mountains
Hey guys. Not exactly new but been gone for quite awhile due to some serious health issues.
I stayed in touch with a few via email for a little while (Hello Mike!) but so many surgeries and hospitals well it’s hard to do much.

However! The Man Upstairs gave me some decent days lately and I bought my bride 👰
Her very own smoker. Gave her some lessons. Burnt it in yesterday. And today on New Year’s Day she made some of the best ribs I’ve eaten.

I updated my About Me in my profile for anybody I know already (or not) and hope to be able to participate awhile. 🥸
Hey guys. Wow. I didn’t know if anyone would remember me.
I hate to talk about such things but I’ve been around the world and back again with my heart and new blockages. Thus the reason for my absense. I had four surgeries first quarter of 2022. Every one got infection shortly afterward.
Those problems started 2012 with my triple bypasses. They used one of the LivaNova heat/cool machines in the OR. The most widely used in the world at the time. They were faulty and bacteria got into the patients.
CDC visited me in hospital I believe March 2022.
Won’t go any further with anything if that as it gets prettt wild. But Jan 10, 2023 they found two new blockages. One in a stent placed here in Atlanta Piedmont in 2015. Another in a different artery. Both can’t be fixed. They cannot bypass because of my history of infection in sternum. And cannot stent because the material as the surgeon put it is a hard calcified material as hard as cement they can’t push a stent through. So bottom line guys I’m terminal. They told me the. I had from ‘any time to maybe 1-2 years’

In eight days will be one year.

I debated telling this but as I mentioned I have a lot of friends here. If anyone has any similar problems and want to know anything, pm or email me.
Wow. I can’t believe the welcome back guys and I appreciate it.
As far as my situation well
It’s all good. ‘My Boss’ up there has this all under control and as long as He is in charge, which He always will be, I’m good.
I appreciate the well wishers and any prayers. But guys let’s talk cooking!

Gonna try and cook next week if it warms a little.
Bought the wife a new PB Series 3 chip burner and I’m gonna try sneak out and smoke a butt. (Sounds awful don’t it. lol)