Nine months ownership of Pro 850, and still plagued with Rust. I posted when I first got the 850 about how badly it was rusting. To start this season in June I had to spend a few hours wire brushing and grinding the huge amount of rust off the broiler, and slide cover. Pit Boss tells me that I am north of New York City and am getting lots of salt air from being 60 to 75 miles from ocean! That frankly is a load crap!! If that was the case my cars would be rusted hulks in no time. No amount of oil is going to stop the rust. It might if after each cook I immersed the parts in a barrel of canola oil until the next use. I like the results when I do a cook, but there is no way I would recommend a friend buy a pit boss unless I did not consider him a friend. Really disappointed in quality of workmanship.