🔥 What's Smoking/Cooking on your Pit Boss?

So lesson learned, make sure your hopper is full, or at the very least feeding properly...had a flameout...but caught it pretty quick thanks to the meater. For those that flamed out during a cook, what's the best way to save the cook? Just prime until you get the fire back? Should you remove the meat until you get the heat going again and the initial burn is complete?
In the over two years I’ve had my PB only lost flame a couple times and that was due to electrical glitches, such as a quick blip in the network. Anyway, I just did a usual restart and after heat up all was fine again.
Got another 30 lbs of pork butt going on as soon as the smoker gets up to temp. My local grocery store had them on sale for .99lb. We're having some tonight for family dinner and the rest is going to be vac sealed and frozen. I'm also going to bring the guys that work for me at the shop some tomorrow.
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Along with smoking a 4lb piece of bacon this weekend for 12 hours, I also added a rack of ribs to the cure and did some bacon ribs. They took in a little more salt than the bacon, but also took the smoke a lot better. They're a pretty fun experiment! Two is almost more than enough in one go.

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