New Pitboss Grills App

Can we get the probe temperature selection increased? It stops at 250 which is ok if you are just probing meat temps, but I like to use one of the probe for cooking temps with the alarm to let me know if temps get too high or too low.
Usually probe 1 is the programmable probe that will setback the temp in the fire box to smoke when the set temp is reached 2 through whatever though would be great.
Usually probe 1 is the programmable probe that will setback the temp in the fire box to smoke when the set temp is reached 2 through whatever though would be great.
An option where the programmable probe just alerts you rather then auto rolls back to smoke. Such as an alert at 165 or so where it may be time to pull the brisket and wrap.
Just used the new app this weekend (2/10/23). It was painful trying to figure out why smoke it wasn't working. But once I finally figured out that I needed to download a new app and figured out how to rebuild my account I was good to go.

My main issue is that the new app is very slow to respond. Taking 20-60 seconds to open my smoker at times. Alerts are hit or miss as others have described. I know that the issue is not my network or my phone.

Most frustrating, but maybe smoke it did this and I didn't know, once meat temp was reached the smoker shut off and started to cool down.

I was smoking wings (which is not in the recipe section by the way) so I had both probs in use, one watch bigger pieces and one watching the smaller ones. So when the smaller ones hit temp the smoker shut off. I had to unplug it to reset the cool down to get it going again. That was kind of annoying...
As you probably already know PitBoss have been launching their new App for Android and iOS devices!
I'm one of the app developer and I'd like to give you a quick list of issues/questions you might have and solutions/answers:

  • I'm getting a lot of server errors or the app get stuck loading: Unfortunately we had some issues with our server just after launch that caused all these problems but they have been fixed and the app should be working fine now.
  • I'm not able to login or reset my password: Unfortunately the new app is completely separate from the old SmokeIT app; as such you will not be able to use the same account, but if you already have an account on then you can use that one, or you can create a new account (even using the same credentials you have been using on SmokeIT).
  • The app doesn't see my grill: Make sure you have bluetooth enabled and (if using android) location enabled, also make sure you are close to the grill (I’d suggest within 5ft for this initial setup). Also if you own more than one grill, make sure only one is plugged in while adding them to the app.
  • Cannot connect my grill to WiFi network: If you cannot see your WiFi network on the app, first make sure you are not too far from your router, one way to do that is by staying with your phone next to your grill and see if you can connect to the WiFi network with your phone. If the WiFi network is in range but you still cannot see it listed there might be two possible reasons:
    1) there are other WiFi networks with a stronger signal that your grill is detecting, in this case you will still be able to connect by using the last option in the grill list that reads ">> Enter manually << and in this case you'll have to enter all details like the network name and the password manually.
    2) your WiFi network is configured to only work in the 5Ghz mode; the 5GHz mode is a "new" high performance mode that works great with devices that requires high bandwidth like laptops, phones or tablets, but is not ideal for IoT devices like your grill because it requires more power and more resources to be used so your grill will not be able to connect to a 5Ghz network, but don't despair, your router can be configured to work both in 5Ghz and 2.4GHz at the same time, leaving you the benefits of the high speed 5GHz and allowing you to connect many IoT devices, unfortunately the settings needed to be changed depends on your router, the easiest way to change those settings is probably to contact your provider and ask them to enable the dual band mode.
  • The App is asking me to update my grill, do I have to do it?: Yes you need to update your grill in order to control it with our new app, the update process is pretty simple and you only need to leave your phone close to your grill with the app open for 5 to 15 minutes (if you were able to connect the grill to wifi the process will be faster, otherwise it will be slower, but in any case shouldn't take more than 15 minutes)
  • I have updated my grill, can I still use SmokeIT ?: No, after you have updated your grill you will not be able to use it with SmokeIT anymore, but hopefully you will enjoy our new app a lot more and you will never want to go back to SmokeIT :)
  • Will the app sends notification when temperatures are reached?: Yes you will receive notification when the grill reach the set temperature or when probes reach the set temperatures, but be aware that for best reliability of this feature is better to connect your grill to WiFi.
  • Can I connect the same grill to more than one phone/tablet? Yes you can connect your grill to as many devices as you want, and you will receive notifications on all your devices! Also you can control your Grill from multiple devices at the same time!
  • Can I connect more than one grill on my phone ? Yes you can connect more than one grill, and you can control them all together from the same phone/tablet.
  • Some/all temperature settings i have on my grill/smoker are not available in the app: We designed the new app to mirror the same exact temperature settings you can set on your grill, so it's very important to select the correct grill/smoker model when adding it to the app. If you selected the correct model but you are still seeing different temperatures please let us know so we can investigate the issue ! If you selected the wrong model you need to remove the grill (click the pencil icon in the "grill" card, and then use the "trash" button in the top-right corner) and add it again!.
If you encounter other issues please let us know!
Last but not least, if you like the new app please don't forget to give us a nice rating, and if you are encountering issues please let us know and give us a couple day to fix it before giving a bad rating !
Thank you, we hope you enjoy our new app!
The function and design of the new app is much better than the old one. Good job!
If this has been mentioned sorry to bring it up again but one thing that needs to be fixed is the notification if the app is open. My son uses the grill a lot and it notifies when I’m not home that the grill temp has been reached and I don’t have the grill app open. Not the end of the world rather have the notification than not if that’s the case but if it can be so you only get notifications when using the app that would be nice.
My buddy just got the pit boss 1150 has the app and it keeps telling him to turn on blue tooth on his phone when it’s already on. He’s turned blue tooth off and back on and nothing so he can’t get past that part to set up the app.
As you probably already know PitBoss have been launching their new App for Android and iOS devices!
I'm one of the app developer and I'd like to give you a quick list of issues/questions you might have and solutions/answers:

  • I'm getting a lot of server errors or the app get stuck loading: Unfortunately we had some issues with our server just after launch that caused all these problems but they have been fixed and the app should be working fine now.
  • I'm not able to login or reset my password: Unfortunately the new app is completely separate from the old SmokeIT app; as such you will not be able to use the same account, but if you already have an account on then you can use that one, or you can create a new account (even using the same credentials you have been using on SmokeIT).
  • The app doesn't see my grill: Make sure you have bluetooth enabled and (if using android) location enabled, also make sure you are close to the grill (I’d suggest within 5ft for this initial setup). Also if you own more than one grill, make sure only one is plugged in while adding them to the app.
  • Cannot connect my grill to WiFi network: If you cannot see your WiFi network on the app, first make sure you are not too far from your router, one way to do that is by staying with your phone next to your grill and see if you can connect to the WiFi network with your phone. If the WiFi network is in range but you still cannot see it listed there might be two possible reasons:
    1) there are other WiFi networks with a stronger signal that your grill is detecting, in this case you will still be able to connect by using the last option in the grill list that reads ">> Enter manually << and in this case you'll have to enter all details like the network name and the password manually.
    2) your WiFi network is configured to only work in the 5Ghz mode; the 5GHz mode is a "new" high performance mode that works great with devices that requires high bandwidth like laptops, phones or tablets, but is not ideal for IoT devices like your grill because it requires more power and more resources to be used so your grill will not be able to connect to a 5Ghz network, but don't despair, your router can be configured to work both in 5Ghz and 2.4GHz at the same time, leaving you the benefits of the high speed 5GHz and allowing you to connect many IoT devices, unfortunately the settings needed to be changed depends on your router, the easiest way to change those settings is probably to contact your provider and ask them to enable the dual band mode.
  • The App is asking me to update my grill, do I have to do it?: Yes you need to update your grill in order to control it with our new app, the update process is pretty simple and you only need to leave your phone close to your grill with the app open for 5 to 15 minutes (if you were able to connect the grill to wifi the process will be faster, otherwise it will be slower, but in any case shouldn't take more than 15 minutes)
  • I have updated my grill, can I still use SmokeIT ?: No, after you have updated your grill you will not be able to use it with SmokeIT anymore, but hopefully you will enjoy our new app a lot more and you will never want to go back to SmokeIT :)
  • Will the app sends notification when temperatures are reached?: Yes you will receive notification when the grill reach the set temperature or when probes reach the set temperatures, but be aware that for best reliability of this feature is better to connect your grill to WiFi.
  • Can I connect the same grill to more than one phone/tablet? Yes you can connect your grill to as many devices as you want, and you will receive notifications on all your devices! Also you can control your Grill from multiple devices at the same time!
  • Can I connect more than one grill on my phone ? Yes you can connect more than one grill, and you can control them all together from the same phone/tablet.
  • Some/all temperature settings i have on my grill/smoker are not available in the app: We designed the new app to mirror the same exact temperature settings you can set on your grill, so it's very important to select the correct grill/smoker model when adding it to the app. If you selected the correct model but you are still seeing different temperatures please let us know so we can investigate the issue ! If you selected the wrong model you need to remove the grill (click the pencil icon in the "grill" card, and then use the "trash" button in the top-right corner) and add it again!.
If you encounter other issues please let us know!
Last but not least, if you like the new app please don't forget to give us a nice rating, and if you are encountering issues please let us know and give us a couple day to fix it before giving a bad rating !
Thank you, we hope you enjoy our new app!
The new app ruined my day today. I started a cook and then tried to launch the old app and saw there was a new one. I connected and after having trouble connecting with bluetooth; if finally did. It started to update the grill but stalled at 30%. And then again. And Agein. Never getting over 35% (I'm standing 5 ft from the grill). The old app now can't see the grill; it seems that bluetooth is dead. So my entire grill is offline. I'm doing a cook so I can't unplug it, if that will reset something.

Is it updating over bluetooth? If not, why do I have to leave the device near the grill? It should download to the phone via wifi and then update the grll, so connection to the grill shouldn't affect the download.

Some general peeves:

Why does the new app default to bluetooth also? Bluetooth sucks; the only reason to use bluetooth is if you don't have wifi or if you have to set up wifi. Im out of range. launch the app, and have to wait for bluetooth to time out before it tries wifi. I should be able to tell the app to use Wifi if I know I'm out of range. Why would I want it to switch to bluetooth when I get closer to the grill? It's just absurdly dumb. I NEVER want to use bluetooth unless i absolutely have to.
All in all it looks good and has functioned as designed (updated grill, connected, allows me to control temp, etc). Kudos on the first release. There are a couple of changes needed, though:

1) The font size on the colored probe labels (on iOS) is too big and the bottom half of the label gets truncated. The label looks like D1 instead of P1. For P2, 3, and 4, we only see the top half of the number.

2) The one thing SmokeIT did that I really liked, and this new one does not, is to produce a temp graph for the entire smoke session. Theirs only tracked the grill temp and temps for probes 1 and 2, so if you want to one-up them, please make a graph that will show the temps on all four probes. It would also be nice for past graphs to be saved, so if the smoker shuts down for some reason, I can see exactly what happened up to the point it shut down.



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Something that bothers me is that they seem to be copying everything that was wrong with the old app. The sign of amateur programmers. There's still not network tab to debug wifi. It just fails with error codes that dont help find the problem.

Today I tried to update the grill. Sometimes it can't find bluetooth; when it does it gets to 42% then stalls. Spinning spinning, then it just says it failed. For all I know the wifi isn't working. No progress messages. Just a useless graph that's clearly wrong. It goes from 0-42% in 2 seconds. Then 10 minutes later a pop up says "Failed to update the grill. Unplug and restart".

When you're more focused on cool graphics than work flow, you've lost. The biggest problem with these grills is shit connectivity. You need to smooth that out. I've wasted more time trying to get the damn app to work than this grill is worth.
Something that bothers me is that they seem to be copying everything that was wrong with the old app. The sign of amateur programmers. There's still not network tab to debug wifi. It just fails with error codes that dont help find the problem.

Today I tried to update the grill. Sometimes it can't find bluetooth; when it does it gets to 42% then stalls. Spinning spinning, then it just says it failed. For all I know the wifi isn't working. No progress messages. Just a useless graph that's clearly wrong. It goes from 0-42% in 2 seconds. Then 10 minutes later a pop up says "Failed to update the grill. Unplug and restart".

When you're more focused on cool graphics than work flow, you've lost. The biggest problem with these grills is shit connectivity. You need to smooth that out. I've wasted more time trying to get the damn app to work than this grill is worth.
I was having the same issue of not completing the update. Try turning off WiFi on your device first then doing the update. Out of exasperation I did this and it updated. Turned the WiFi back on and it’s worked since.

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