I may be away for a bit

Good luck on the job hunting. Deciding where to move would be the hardest part for us. We have a local papermill and it'd really hurt the area if it was to close.
Yes, I am afraid Panama City will suffer big time when it shuts down.
We have a friend in Michigan and she loves it up there but the winters are terrible, especially when you're used to Florida. Best of luck.
Yep. Gotta break out a parka and hunker down. Lived here as a kid and returned every Christmas until I was 18. I realized today I haven't set foot in Michigan for 32 years!! I still have extended family in the area as well.

Just worried about the kids who don't want to move but I know it's fear of the unknown (same fear I have - I just don't know). I expect an offer from the Michigan mill on Monday or Tuesday.
Just an update. I have accepted a position in Michigan. Not a lot of details yet but at least I found something where homes are affordable. Potential start date June 13 (one month from today) which gives me time to tie up loose ends. I have to remain with my current employer anyway until June 6 to be eligible for the severance package.

Will provide more details when I get them.
Just an update. I have accepted a position in Michigan. Not a lot of details yet but at least I found something where homes are affordable. Potential start date June 13 (one month from today) which gives me time to tie up loose ends. I have to remain with my current employer anyway until June 6 to be eligible for the severance package.

Will provide more details when I get them.
Great. It’ll be interesting to hear your reports on winter smokes in Michigan vs Florida
Just an update. I have accepted a position in Michigan. Not a lot of details yet but at least I found something where homes are affordable. Potential start date June 13 (one month from today) which gives me time to tie up loose ends. I have to remain with my current employer anyway until June 6 to be eligible for the severance package.

Will provide more details when I get them.
Congratulations Mike. It'll be a heck of a change from Florida but you'll be getting there just as the brutal winter ends and nice weather follows for a while. We are supposed to be in the 90s all next week... That'll make Michigan a bit more appealing. At least you'll have a job. Good luck. What area of Michigan? We have a friend in the UP..
Glad things are looking up Mike! Are you going to keep your profile name or change it?
@Guineabear it's in Kalamazoo. I have a ton of family in Michigan and I remember the cold winters from when I lived there as a kid.... But as an adult it will be more challenging that's for sure.

@Steve In Pa yeah, I won't be wearing shorts for those winter cooks anymore!

@ANT0407 the profile name stays!
@Guineabear it's in Kalamazoo. I have a ton of family in Michigan and I remember the cold winters from when I lived there as a kid.... But as an adult it will be more challenging that's for sure.

@Steve In Pa yeah, I won't be wearing shorts for those winter cooks anymore!

@ANT0407 the profile name stays!
Best of luck Mike. Should be getting really nice up there now.
Good Luck to you and the Family! We took a motorcycle trip out there a few years ago and did a loop around the mitten and the U.P. - There are some really pretty areas up there!
Glad to hear it’s working out for ya!
Moving day tomorrow. Family will remain in Florida until the house sells. House is currently under contract and we've placed a bid on one in Michigan. Have a back up plan for other houses as well in case this one falls thru. The big hurdle will be to get ours "pending" instead of under contract. I wish I could stay here a bit longer as there are still issues here that need to be completed but I start my new job Monday.